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The Story of Lorenzistas Indonesia

Lorenzistas Indonesia stood since November 2, 2010. By founders who call ourselves ZEENIA, among others Zhafirah Amalia Putri, Elma Mei Aryanti, Ewith (Dewi Nurdiana), Nadia Fitriani, Iyum (Halimatusa'diyah purnamaningrum), and Annisa (Icha). Group forming a brilliant idea came when ZEENIA and hundreds Lorenzistas in Indonesia active in some MotoGP Fan Page and Jorge Lorenzo Fan Page . Over time we are diligent in sharing information between the wall with friends. Feeling a lot in common such as hobbies, idols, vision and sense of humor about the same, ZEENIA decided to set up a group called Lorenzistas Indonesia.
LI, so we greeted it brief and familiar, gradually grew into the most favored group. 24 hours a day LI was always full of fresh info about Jorge Lorenzo and MotoGP. Solidarity is very high and equipped with people who have extensive knowledge about MotoGP and Jorge Lorenzo able to give news LI provides highly sought-after course.
You can see the list of members, the names is exactly what makes LI was never minus for news and chat warmly. "LI is like our second home." As their response to a group whose members are like family.
Mid-April LI experiencing lean times in which supervision by admin slightly reduced. This makes the admin to choose the way out is to add an additional admin to help oversee the LI when ZEENIA unable to attend. Hername is Ayu Yuliantari, who was inaugurated on April 23, 2011.

Hopefully this blog useful for you of course the Lorenzistas worldwide. We hope the criticism and constructive suggestions from you on any info that we serve.


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